Visualize your printouts before printing

Photorealistic Preview

Our appearance preview provides a true-to-life visualization, showing how your model will look when 3D printed. Using photorealistic rendering, this feature lets you adjust every detail with confidence, minimizing trial and error while optimizing resources.

Photorealism with modern algorithms

We employ modern ray tracing and path tracing algorithms used in AAA movies and video games, achieving photorealistic and physically-accurate results. When you click to preview a 3D printout, the software loads our pre-calibrated optical properties for all the materials loaded in your printer. It simulates how light interacts with each individual fragment of the printout, accurately following the laws of nature. Finally, a preview image is displayed as if you took a photograph of the actual printout; much faster, without any material waste, and more comfortably!

An artistic visualization of ray-tracing algorithms that follow the light path and bounce around the scene.

Time and cost efficiency

Without our software, mixing custom CMYKW resin mixtures is full of trials and errors. Often, the resulting color does not look like what you expected by looking at a computer screen. Your valuable time and money are then spent manually adjusting the recipe, and re-printing every time to check the quality. With our previews, you can do all that virtually! Reach a perfect color match without printing a single test object! You will get so confident in our visualizations, that when you press Print, you will know exactly what will come out!

Iteration time comparison
